Friday, April 16, 2010

revision literature quarter 3

Write the letter of the best answer.
____ 2. The hunters are allowed to kill dinosaurs that have been marked with red paint because those dinosaurs
A. aren't real. B. have only one brain.
C. are the easiest to kill. D. are about to die anyway.
____ 3. What leads Eckels to stray off the path?
A. panic B. curiosity
C. anger D. necessity
____ 4. In the story, which of the following actually changes the future?
A. a butterfly's natural death B. a butterfly's unnatural death
C. a dinosaur's natural death D. a dinosaur's unnatural death
____ 20. The path through the jungle is mainly intended to
A. prevent history from changing.
B. protect the hunters from dinosaurs.
C. protect the dinosaurs from hunters.
D. make it easier to walk through the jungle.
____ 21. Which of the following beliefs leads Eckels to decide against trying to kill the dinosaur?
A. There is no way that the dinosaur can be killed.
B. There is nothing to be gained from killing the dinosaur.
C. It would be wrong to kill such a magnificent beast.
D. The chances that the dinosaur's death will change history are too great.
____ 23. At the end of the story, Eckels gets the first clue that things may be changed when he
A. gets out of the machine. B. sees the sign on the wall.
C. sees the butterfly on his shoe. D. talks to the man behind the desk.
____ 9. A field of wheat would undulate because of
A. a breeze. B. sunshine. C. a plant disease.
____ 10. Which is most resilient?
A. steel B. wood C. rubber
____ 11. Expendable supplies are those one can
A. carry. B. consume. C. do without.
____ 36. In The Pedestrian, one can infer that the reason there is very little crime in the city at night is because
A. the police force is large and efficient.
B. people are home watching television.
C. television shows have successfully taught moral behavior.
D. people who commit crimes receive the death penalty.
____ 37. "But now these highways, too, were like stream beds in a dry season" is an example of
A. personification. B. simile. C. metaphor. D. exaggeration.
____ 38. In his ten years of walking at night, what probably surprises Leonard the most?
A. He has never met any other person walking.
B. The police have never stopped him.
C. Dogs have followed him.
D. Several homes he passes are dark.
____ 39. Which fact about Leonard is probably the most damaging to him when he is stopped by the police car?
A. He likes to walk at night. B. He is a writer.
C. He does not own a television. D. He is not married.
____ 40. The author of this story would most likely agree that
A. television is a wonderful invention. B. Leonard does not deserve any sympathy.
C. television can be misused. D. the police were right to stop Leonard.
____ 43. Atwood says that Canadians have "Porky Pig" noses because they
A. have their noses pressed up to the U. S. border.
B. are jealous of the wealth and prosperity in the U. S.
C. never look up from the ground and into the world.
D. produce so much waste in their country.
____ 44. Atwood compares Americans, with their fuzzy view of the world, to
A. Porky Pig. B. Bugs Bunny. C. Mr. Magoo. D. Daffy Duck.
____ 46. The "glare of truth" is what Mora misses about
A. the Heartland. B. the Mexican border. C. Cincinnati. D. North America.
____ 50. A person who makes an impudent remark is showing
A. consideration. B. kindness. C. contempt.
____ 51. An impenetrable book is difficult to
A. ignore. B. lift. C. understand
____ 60. In her essay, Atwood compares and contrasts
A. the United States and the Soviet Union. B. Mexico and the United States.
C. Canada and Mexico. D. Canada and the United States.
____ 62. Atwood maintains that it is not the Canadians' job to
A. protect their own interests in the world.
B. interpret Americans to the rest of the world.
C. maintain the border with the United States.
D. teach Canadian history in their high schools.
____ 63. Mora's tone when she describes Ohio is
A. resentful. B. angry. C. good-natured D. disappointed.
____ 64. Mora enjoys the Mexican spirit that allows her to
A. express herself with gusto. B. appreciate the beauty of the desert.
C. speak two languages. D. appreciate her new life in Ohio.
____ 65. What does Mora say about her children?
A. They want to live in Mexico. B. They are embarrassed by anything Mexican.
C. They will not speak Spanish. D. They appreciate knowing two languages.
Answer one of the following questions based on your understanding of the selections Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Description in a story helps you visualize scenes, characters, and events. Reread the description of the scene between Leonard and the police car. What words or phrases help you visualize the police car? How do those words contribute to your feelings about the police car?
52. What is Atwood saying about the United States when she compares it to the Romans, the British, and the French? Use details from the essay to support your ideas.
53. In your own words, explain what Mora means when she says, "Because language shapes as well as reflects our reality, exploring it allows us to see and to explore our world anew, much as experiencing the world with a young child causes us to pause, savor." Use examples from your life or experiences in your explanation.
41. Think about the theme, or central idea, in each of these two essays you read this quarter. Then, use your own words to state the theme of each essay and list two examples of comparison and contrast the author uses to support her central idea.

Recall the events described in the selection. Then answer each question in sentences or phrases.
16. How far back in time does the time machine take the group?
17. What does Travis tell the hunters before they step off the time machine into the past?
18. What steps does the time travel company take to prevent its safaris from making changes in history?
19. What does Eckels notice about the sign on the office wall when he returns?
32. According to The Pedestrian, what kinds of television shows are people watching in A.D. 2053?
33. Why is there only one police car in a city of three million?
34. What questions does the voice in the police car ask Mr. Mead?
Answer the following question based on your own experience and knowledge. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper
54. Why do you think the Mexican border is so strictly patrolled and the Canadian border has so few checkpoints? Does that seem fair? Explain your answer.
59. How does the border between Mexico and the United States illustrate what Renato Rosaldo states is a world "saturated with inequality, power, and domination"?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Grade10: Vocabulary List based on Flocabulary song Lyrics

Oscillating fan
Never neglect
Never tacit
I’m famished
Concave and convex
Stoic and serene
The apex, the pinnacle,

Grade10: Weekend assignment

1- Research the following historical events mentioned in " Through the One Way Mirror"

2- American Politicians refer to themeselves as the Mounties and to Canadians as Rose Marie.
Research the plot of the Opera and find out the points of comparison.

3- After watching Crash, prepare a presentation about the different forms of discrimination aganist certain ethnic groups in the U.S.A; why and how such discrimination is being practised and what stereotypes it is based on.

4- After Watching Freaky Friday, prepare a presentation about the main theme of the movie and how its message is delivered.