Saturday, July 17, 2010

KAS Grade 10 homework 3

Read each passage and choose the word or group of words that belongs in each space. Mark the letter for your answer.

Do you think that a house and a home (1) the same thing? In one sense, they are. If you happen to live in a house, (2) also your home. In another sense, a house and a home are very different. A house is just a building. It might be a separate building (3) one family lives. It might be a larger building where several families live. However, it is the people in a place that (4) it a home. For some people, a tent is home. For others, a grass hut or a boat (5) home. In all cases, home is the place where we live. It can be as small as a single house. It can be as large as our (6) It could even mean our planet. If you ever met an alien, you would say that your home is planet Earth.

____ 1. Choose the correct answer for (1) above.

A. is B. are C. been D. was

____ 2. Choose the correct answer for (2) above.

A. it B. its C. its' D. it's

____ 3. Choose the correct answer for (3) above.

A. which B. where C. that D. who

____ 4. Choose the correct answer for (4) above.

A. makes B. made C. make D. is making

____ 5. Choose the correct answer for (5) above.

A. are B. were C. is D. was

____ 6. Choose the correct answer for (6) above.

A. neighborhood, town, or country. B. neighborhood, town or, country.

C. neighborhood town or country. D. neighborhood; town; or country.

The Washington Monument opened to the public in 1885, but plans (7) it began 100 years earlier. Even if you have not seen it in person, you probably know (8) familiar shape. The monument is a tall four-sided stone pillar. It gradually gets (9) as it rises. The top ends in a pyramid that comes to a point. (10) , you must see the monument in person to marvel at its size. It rises over 555 feet high from base to tip. Each of the four sides (11) over 55 feet at the bottom. The walls (12) are 15 feet thick at the bottom, but only 18 inches thick at the top. Inside, the monument is hollow. You can walk to the top by climbing 898 steps, or you can take an elevator to the top in 70 seconds. Every year, millions of visitors tour this monument.

____ 7. Choose the correct answer for (7) above.

A. for build B. building C. for builded D. for building

____ 8. Choose the correct answer for (8) above.

A. it's B. its C. their D. his

____ 9. Choose the correct answer for (9) above.

A. thinnest B. thinner C. more thinner D. most thin

____ 10. Choose the correct answer for (10) above.

A. Although B. Whether C. However D. Whenever

____ 11. Choose the correct answer for (11) above.

A. measure B. measuring C. measures D. have measured

____ 12. Choose the correct answer for (12) above.

A. itself B. theirselves C. themself D. themselves

Chris and his friends were (13) upset. The parking lot at the bank was the only safe place in the village for kids to go skateboarding. Now the village (14) a law against it. When Chris and his friends arrived at the lot on Sunday afternoon, the village policeman (15) there in his patrol car.
"Sorry, (16) you'll have to find someplace else to skate," he told (17) . "But there (18) no other place," Chris argued. That's when he got an idea. They could bring a petition to the village hall to build a skateboard lot in the park.

____ 13. Choose the correct answer for (13) above.

A. really B. real C. realistic D. real, real

____ 14. Choose the correct answer for (14) above.

A. passes B. had passed C. is passing D. have been passing

____ 15. Choose the correct answer for (15) above.

A. is sitting B. set C. was setting D. was sitting

____ 16. Choose the correct answer for (16) above.

A. boys, B. Boys, C. boy's, D. boys

____ 17. Choose the correct answer for (17) above.

A. they B. them C. to them D. them boys

____ 18. Choose the correct answer for (18) above.

A. are B. were C. is D. isn't

One of the (1) and most effective ways to help out in your community is to volunteer at a local food pantry. Many social service organizations (2) food donations and distribute them to people in the community who need it. How can you help? You can use part of your spending money to buy canned goods and (3) to your food pantry. You can organize drives in (4) community to collect food donations. You can contact the people (5) operate the pantry to offer your help in stocking shelves. (6) it good to know you can do something to help others in such an important way?

____ 51. Choose the correct answer for (1) above.

A. ease B. most easy C. easier D. easiest

____ 52. Choose the correct answer for (2) above.

A. collects B. collect C. collected D. is collecting

____ 53. Choose the correct answer for (3) above.

A. bring it B. bringing it C. bring them D. bringing them

____ 54. Choose the correct answer for (4) above.

A. you B. you're C. your D. their

____ 55. Choose the correct answer for (5) above.

A. who B. which C. whom D. they

____ 56. Choose the correct answer for (6) above.

A. Isn't B. Is'nt C. Isnt D. Isnt'

We (7) imagine that we see faces in natural shapes such as clouds and rocks. However, in the (8) , you can see four faces carved into a granite cliff, and what you see is not just imagined. (9) the Mount Rushmore National Memorial. The faces are four American presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt. George (10) face alone is 60 feet high. Gutzon Borglum designed and supervised most of the work. Between 1927 and 1941, his helpers cut the figures out of the mountain (11) dynamite and drills. The mountain (12) rises 5,725 feet above sea level and more than 500 feet above surrounding land.

____ 57. Choose the correct answer for (7) above.

A. oftener B. oftenest C. often D. most often

____ 58. Choose the correct answer for (8) above.

A. black hills of South Dakota B. black hills of south dakota

C. Black hills of South Dakota D. Black Hills of South Dakota

____ 59. Choose the correct answer for (9) above.

A. Its B. It's C. Theres D. Their is

____ 60. Choose the correct answer for (10) above.

A. Washington B. Washingtons C. Washington's D. Washington, his

____ 61. Choose the correct answer for (11) above.

A. used B. and using C. to use D. using

____ 62. Choose the correct answer for (12) above.

A. its'self B. itself C. it D. themself

It is (13) called the "king of the jungle," but the lion actually spends little time deep in the jungle. It earned (14) name from its powerful body, large head, and mighty roar. Lions can grow up to 500 pounds and over nine feet long. Despite their ferocious appearance, you might think lions lazy if you saw (15) during the day. They spend much of the day (16) in the shade and sleeping. At night, they come out to hunt antelopes, zebras, and young rhinoceroses. They normally stay away from full-grown (17) . Lions can kill with one (18) sweep of their powerful forelegs and paws.

____ 63. Choose the correct answer for (13) above.

A. commonly B. common C. commonest D. most common

____ 64. Choose the correct answer for (14) above.

A. its B. their C. his D. it's

____ 65. Choose the correct answer for (15) above.

A. it B. they C. them D. themselves

____ 66. Choose the correct answer for (16) above.

A. laying B. laid C. lied D. lying

____ 67. Choose the correct answer for (17) above.

A. Elephants and Giraffes B. elephants and giraffes

C. elephants, and giraffes D. elephants, and, giraffes

____ 68. Choose the correct answer for (18) above.

A. might B. mightily C. mighty D. mightiest
As an art material, paper in its many forms (1) many opportunities. Preschool children tear shapes out of paper of one color and (2) on paper of another color. Professional artists design (3) patterns for wallpaper and wrapping paper. The Japanese (4) an art of making sculpture by folding paper. They call it origami. The favorite shapes in origami (5) birds and flowers, but you can fold an endless number of figures. Papier-mâché is another popular artistic use of paper. You soak newspaper scraps in water and add paste. Before the mixture (6) , you can mold it into any shape. Masks, doll heads, and puppets are often made using papier-mâché.

____ 101. Choose the correct answer for (1) above.

A. offer B. offers C. have offered D. offering

____ 102. Choose the correct answer for (2) above.

A. pasting it B. pasted them C. paste it D. paste them

____ 103. Choose the correct answer for (3) above.

A. beautifuller B. beautifully C. beauty D. beautiful

____ 104. Choose the correct answer for (4) above.

A. have developed B. has developed C. is developing D. develops

____ 105. Choose the correct answer for (5) above.

A. is B. was C. are D. will be

____ 106. Choose the correct answer for (6) above.

A. hardening B. hardens C. harden D. hardened

The Battle of Gettysburg, (7) lasted for three days in July of 1863, marked a turning point in the American Civil War. It started by accident. Troops from the South stumbled upon Union troops near (8) . Nearly 40,000 soldiers (9) or wounded in the battle. The (10) victory by the Northern army stopped the advance of the Southern army. General Robert E. Lee, who led the Southern forces, would never be able to fight on Northern soil again. The war (11) on for two more years, but Lee and his Southern troops no longer (12) chance of victory.

____ 107. Choose the correct answer for (7) above.

A. it B. which C. what D. who

____ 108. Choose the correct answer for (8) above.

A. Gettysburg Pennsylvania B. gettysburg, pennsylvania

C. Gettysburg, Pennsylvania D. gettysburg, Pennsylvania

____ 109. Choose the correct answer for (9) above.

A. was killed B. have been killed C. were killed D. is killed

____ 110. Choose the correct answer for (10) above.

A. cost B. costly C. most costliest D. costing

____ 111. Choose the correct answer for (11) above.

A. dragging B. drag C. drug D. dragged

____ 112. Choose the correct answer for (12) above.

A. hadn't a B. hadn't any C. had no D. had any

A bridge can be as simple as a log (13) across a small stream. However, building bridges to cross larger and (14) bodies of water requires great planning and skill. Many things can cause a bridge to collapse if (15) not properly designed and constructed. Engineers of the Roman Empire, 2,000 years ago, certainly (16) the skill! It was (17) who developed the arch bridge. These bridges could cross a river 100 feet wide. The Romans used stone to build (18) arch bridges, many of which still stand today.

____ 113. Choose the correct answer for (13) above.

A. lying B. laying C. lied D. lay

____ 114. Choose the correct answer for (14) above.

A. more dangerous B. most dangerous C. dangerouser D. dangerousest

____ 115. Choose the correct answer for (15) above.

A. its B. it's C. their D. their's

____ 116. Choose the correct answer for (16) above.

A. have B. has C. had D. are having

____ 117. Choose the correct answer for (17) above.

A. them B. him C. they D. themselves

____ 118. Choose the correct answer for (18) above.

A. its B. their C. there D. your