Sunday, October 26, 2008

Grade9: Narrative Writing: Picture prompts:i

Imagine you are the cow or the hippo and write a page in your diary recounting the experience you went through as portrayed in the image on the left. (first person narration)
Or you can imagine you are a third entity (voyeur) who just happened to watch the thread of events depicted in the same cartoon strip and write a page in your diary to describe it. (third person narration).
Word count: minimum 200 words
Did I read the rubric carefullly and brainstorm for ideas?
Did I organise my ideas?
Did I didvide my writing into paragraphs, showing the beginnning of each with an indent?
Did I add details describing the setting, the characters and their feelings as well as the development of the events in the plot in an attractive way?
Did I edit my writing checking for spelling, grammar, vocabulary and punctuation mistakes?
Did I add linking words and adjectives to make my work more enjoyable to read?
Did I add a suitable, eye catching title?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My opion that i should do my best to solve and problem even if it was a difficult one