Friday, November 7, 2008

Grade 10: World History: Tasksheet 2: Book page 614-617

1- What two mistakes did James I commit of his own accord, and which problem did he inherit from his cousin Queen Elizabeth I? 614
2- What was Charles I's first mistake when he took over the throne? 614
3- How did Parliament punish Charles I for dissolving it? 614
4-What decreased Charles I's popularity even more? 614
5- What were the three Christian sects in England? 615
6- What Christian sect did the Scottish people follow? 615
7-How did Charles I corner himself a second time, allowing Parliament to have the upper hand?
8-How did events in England ascent to a climax that ultimately led to the Civil War? 615
9-What were the names of the two opponents in the English Civil War? Who was each group loyal to? 615
10-Who was the general that tipped the scale in favour of the Roundheads? 615
11- "Cromwell never learnt from the previous monarchs' mostakes and history repeated itself all over again." Do you agree with the former statement? Support your answer with evidence. 615
12- What developments occured happened in 1647, 1649 and 1660? Why was each concidered a turning point in English History? 615,616
13- How many years did the Commonwealth last? 615,616
14- What were the two mistakes that King James II commit? 616
15- What event triggered the Glorious Revolution? 616

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