Friday, March 13, 2009

Grade 10 (Blue & Green) World History: Napoleon Bonaparte: Bonus Questions

A) What do you think the above caricature is trying to say about Napoleon Bonaparte?

B) Bonaparte has been quite a controvercial (different people have various contrasting views of him) figure in history; some call him a genius, others consider him a fool, whereas the rest just see him as a greedy villain (evil character) who got what he deserved. What do you think of him (one of the above three points of view or a different one of your own)?
P.S. Make sure you support your opinion giving reasons and evidence.


Anonymous said...

A) I think that in Napoleon's hat there's a hawk.This hawk has a very sharp sight and Napoleon is the same because he was strong and could foresee everything and had plans to conquer Europe.Also, he wanted to provide an heir to the throne as he feared that his empire might collapse after his death.The Picture of the hand symbolizes his ability to seize power.When he wanted to conquer Europe nothing stopped him.He achieved his aims.Napoleon is like a hawk and falls upon his prey.He wanted to be the ruler of France and he did it.He wanted to prove that he is more powerful than the church so on the day of his coronation, he took the crown from the pope and placed it on his head.When Napoleon wanted to do something nothing stopped him !!
The spider web shows that he is ambitious and wanted to conquer all Europe.HE formed his own web in Europe.

B)I think that Napoleon was a greedy villain as he wanted to conquer all Europe.His own personality proved to be the greatest danger to the future of his empire.His desire for power had raised him to great heights and the same love of power led him to his doom.He set a blockade around England to make Europe self sufficent.He never thought that any country could defeat him.In fact,England's navy was stronger than his navy so the british blockade worked while the french one failed.Also, he wanted to get Portugal to accept the continental system,he sent an invasion force through Spain which at the end led to the Peninsular War.Furthermore, he removed the Spanish king and put his own brother on the throne.

Salma Hanno

Hassan Shetta said...

the hand:mean that he is controller of every thing and every thing is under his hand

spider:that he is greedy and not the one who can decided by any one

the eagle: The one who think quickly

and the whole body which is the the map that said that he is organized

hassan shetta said...

B)I think that he was greedy because he want in his rule time to rule all europe he didnot give any one the time to give his opinion like the rusian war when he went with 420,000 soliders and went back with only 10,000 soldiers and when he didn't listen to the genrals

Hossam Galal said...

miss sherine if i go the 10% bonus please say to me .