Friday, October 30, 2009

Grade 10: End of First Quarter Projects: Enjoy

Topic 1:
Compare between the etiquette and traditions of love, courtship and marriage in the Renaissance and modern eras (ages).

Topic 2:
Compare between the etiquette and traditions of love, courtship and marriage in the Western and Eastern cultures.

In each of the above two comparisons, you need to list the customs that are followed starting from the moment they pick a spouse till the
You need to consider the following questions:
Who is considered a good catch, what's the best way to propose

Topic 3:
Compare between the following classic love stories:

Samson & Delilah - Qays & Leila – Penelope & Odessius –
Napoleon & Josephine – Arthur/Lancelot & Guinivere –
Paolo & Francesca - Scarlett O’Hara & Rhett Butler -

You should choose only five from the above and write a concise paragraph about each couple; mentioning whether they are fictional, semi-fictional or non- fictional, what the conflict they were suffering from was and how it ended. You should also mention if there is a love triangle somewhere in the story.

Topic 4:
Compare between different kinds of celebrations of love all over the world: Father's Day – Mother's Day – Earth Day – Valentine's Day –World Friendship Day.
Mention who started the celebration and why , when and how it is celebrated in different parts of the world.

Topic 5
Conduct a survey about only one of the following topics and discuss the findings in a presentation:
Arranged marriages – what are the criteria for a prince charming or a lady of one's dreams – marriage at an early age Vs marriage at an older age.

General Rules:
No copying and pasting from the internet.
All students in the team will participate in the preparation and presentation.
The presentation should not take less than 15 minutes and not more than half an hour.
The more creative your method of presentation is, the higher your grade will be.
Deadline is Sunday 14th November. If you are late, you will lose marks.

P.S. You need to make sure to choose a topic before you come to school tomorrow or else I will assign you a topic myself.

Have a blast. Think well. Choose wisely.

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