Saturday, April 2, 2011

Flocabulary List: with Definitions

Vivid (adj)

Clear / colourful / bright

elocutionist (N)


(someone who has charisma when he speaks in public)

Lyricist (N)

The writer of song lyrics

fortitude (N)


Linear (adj)

In the shape of a straight line

obstacle (N)

Blockade / barrier / obstruction / impediment

visage (N)

Facial features

semblance (N)

Similarity in appearance

trepidation (N)

Nervousness / anxiety / unease

Initiate (V)


dismay (N)

Disappointment / trepidation

illumination (N)


alienate (V)

To treat someone as a stranger / push away / estrange / isolate

Rebirth (N)


eccentric (adj)

Weird / odd / unusual / peculiar

adjacent (adj)


embellish (V)

Decorate / beautify

Fan (N)


(an ardent follower of…)

manual (N) & (Adj)

Book of instructions

Something done by hand

Digress (V)

To stray from the main topic / go off point

tacit (adj)

Implicit / not said aloud / implied / inferred

Oscillate (V)

Swing (move like a pendulum) / hesitate

protagonist (N)

Hero or heroine

universal (adj)


neglect (V)

Ignore / Treat with carelessness

quiescence (N)

The state of being quiet

famished (adj)

Starving: very very hungry

parched (adj)

Burnt and dry / dehydrated

critic (N)

People who mention merits and drawbacks of a work of art

analyze (V)


Enmity (N)

(The state of being an enemy)

Hatred / antagonism / hostility

Abate (V)


antagonize (V)

Make an enemy of someone; treat with hostility

consensus (N)

To reach an agreement

concave (adj)

The antonym of convex

stoic (adj)

Calm under stress

serene (adj)

Calm and peaceful

pinnacle (N)

Top / peak

apex (N)

Summit / climax

zenith (N)

Highest point of

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