Sunday, October 26, 2008

World 10 History: The Bourbon Family

Some of the smarty smarts in blue an dgreen happened to notice the name "Bourbon " in the first quiz and wondered what on earth that was. (No, no! it doesn't mean bon bon.) It is the surname of Louis XIV's family, in other words Louis' big happy family with the ancestral grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, brothers, sisters, wife, sons ... etc. down the generations and here is a slideshow of them. Aren't they royally cute? lol

Anyways, enjoy, and if anyone can look up the names of all the rulers of France from that family, guess what? 100 marks bonus!


Anonymous said...

814 - 840 Louis I (not a king of 'France')
840 - 877 Charles II (the Bald)
877 - 879 Louis II (the Stammerer)
879 - 882 Louis III (joint with Carloman below)
879 - 884 Carloman (joint with Louis III above, until 882)
884 - 888 Charles the Fat
888 - 898 Eudes (also Odo) of Paris (non-Carolingian)
898 - 922 Charles III (the Simple)
922 - 923 Robert I (non-Carolingian)
923 - 936 Raoul (also Rudolf, non-Carolingian)
936 - 954 Louis IV (d'Outremer or The Foreigner)
954 - 986 Lothar (also Lothaire)
986 - 987 Louis V (the Do-Nothing)
Capetian Dynasty
987 - 996 Hugh Capet
996 - 1031 Robert II (the Pious)
1031 - 1060 Henry I
1060 - 1108 Philip I
1108 - 1137 Louis VI (the Fat)
1137 - 1180 Louis VII (the Young)
1180 - 1223 Philip II Augustus
1223 - 1226 Louis VIII (the Lion)
1226 - 1270 Louis IX (St. Louis)
1270 - 1285 Philip III (the Bold)
1285 - 1314 Philip IV (the Fair)
1314 - 1316 Louis X (the Stubborn)
1316 &nbspJohn I
1316 - 1322 Philip V (the Tall)
1322 - 1328 Charles IV (the Fair)
Valois Dynasty
1328 - 1350 Philip VI
1350 - 1364 John II (the Good)
1364 - 1380 Charles V (the Wise)
1380 - 1422 Charles VI (the Mad, Well-Beloved, or Foolish)
1422 - 1461 Charles VII (the Well-Served or Victorious)
1461 - 1483 Louis XI (the Spider)
1483 - 1498 Charles VIII (Father of his People)
1498 - 1515 Louis XII
1515 - 1547 Francis I
1547 - 1559 Henry II
1559 - 1560 Francis II
1560 - 1574 Charles IX
1574 - 1589 Henry III
Bourbon Dynasty
1589 - 1610 Henry IV
1610 - 1643 Louis XIII
1643 - 1715 Louis XIV (the Sun King)
1715 - 1774 Louis XV
1774 - 1792 Louis XVI

Anonymous said...

Thx Seif Megahed for your contribution. You have just earned your team "LIFE" a 100 points, they should be grateful to you. Btw, the Bourbon famjily are only the last 5 kings on the list