Friday, December 25, 2009

10 blue and green 25/12/09

Ho! Ho! Ho! Season's greetings everyone. Santa has a gift for you at ras, go get it on sunday or monday from 10 am to 1 pm
it's a cd that has pps for all subjects with explanations of lessons and worksheets. you will be held responsible for the material in this cd, so you MUST come and get it
as for my homework, for now you need to work on your portfolios according to the rules i have put. Make sure i get good looking well taken care of groomed and perfumed portfolios when we get back. (in addition to the homework from last week that i havent received from everybody yet)
i will also post some internet links with questions tomorrow morning.
PS. the winners of the first quarter, you will find your prizes with the homework cd at school
i will be at ras on sunday from 10 till 11 and on monday from 10 to 1, try to come during that time cuz i miss u all, if u come at a different time and u want to give me some homework, leave it with mr moheb
ta ta for now, have loads of fun
tc xoxoxoxox0

Saturday, December 19, 2009

writing techniques

Book Review


* Title * Author * Genre * Theme


Summary of the plot and commentary on the characters


Your opinion



* Name * Date of birth and death * Job * Why is this person famous?


The main events in this person's life and his/ her achievements


What do you think of this person?

Movie Review


* Title * Genre * Producer and Director * Hint about whether you like the movie or not


Cast list and summary of the plot


Your opinion

Friday, December 18, 2009

heidi yasmina hazem

hijri and 2010

esseily khedr kaka abu heif bolla

esseily and kaka u r doing all of the hw written below
khedr u r doing 1o of them for the extra "2alsh" homework and abu heif & bolla ur doing 5 of them for the same reason as khedr
the homework: on the right hand side of the blog you will find a list of pearls of wisdom; these wisdoms are the titles of your mini essays, which means you are going to write mini esssys of not less than 50 words each using the wisdom as your title

10 green 18/12/2009

1) make sure your portfolios are in order with all the sheets include the revision ones i had given u the first quarter i will collect the portfolios on sunday
2) answer the questions for The Bear scene 8 found below:

Scene 8
1. How Smirnov does describe his love life?
2. What is Smirnov's general opinion of women?
3. What does Smirnov say about faithful women?
4. Who says the following quotation? To who? Why? What does (s) he mean?
"That's rich."
5. What does Simonov think of Mrs. Popov's faithfulness?
6. Who said the following quotation? To who? What did he mean by it?
"Buries herself alive____ but doesn't forget to powder her nose!"

3) please make sure that you have underlined all the difficult vocabulary items in the play from scene 1 till scene 8

grade 10 blue and green 18/12/2009

follow the links below, watch the videos (of Chekhov's farce: The Proposal) and write a pragraph explaining which was the most well made video and why. Make sure to put into your consideration while judging which video sticks most closest to the events of the play you read last week.

(ps if the links dont work u will find them on my facebook links)

december grade 10 blue

Homework until u come back from your two week break

Please make sure that u either send it to me via email or send the homework to my staff room at school (send your driver or come to school yourself)

Also please make sure you check the blog every evening for news

As for the homework :

1) Finish reading The Bear and finish answering the sheet of questions miss sara handed out on wednesday before u left the school (ps nikhil if u dont have one email me and i will attach it to u)

2) Your self study literary selection for this qurter is a short story in your literature books entiltled Marriage is a Private Affair written by Chinua Achebe. You are supposed to:
a) search online for information about the writer's life
b) read the story
c) write a summary of not less than 150 words of the story making sure that you mention all the elements of literature and your opinion of it
(if u dont have your books, come to school and pick them up)

3) in your Language Network books, read all of chapter 10: Capitalization and answer all the exercises in it.

4) Put your portfolios in the order i asked for and make sure u have all the sheets in it answered especially the revision ones i gave at the end of the first quarter
(if u lost any sheets photocopy from a friend)

5) check the video links that i put for 10 green as a hw; of course they r a hw for u too

6) Friendly suggestion: theres a cool 3d jim carrey movie called christmas carol that i want to make the project about can we all go and watch it together as a class pls discuss it with each other and tell me what time would be suitable for u its in green plaza

ciaou for now luvyalots missyalots tc xoxoxoxoxo

Friday, December 11, 2009

grade ten english dcember 2009 second quarter first homework

Read the play A Marriage Proposal by Anton Chekhov. It is located in the link below

(Don't worry it's only one page)

Then, answer the following questions:

1) Analyse the elements of literature for the play

2) Explain why this play is considered a farce.

3) Compare between The proposal and The Bear

P.S. pls log in tomorrow for some video links that you will watch as a homework as well

Ta ta for now xoxoxoxo