Friday, December 18, 2009

10 green 18/12/2009

1) make sure your portfolios are in order with all the sheets include the revision ones i had given u the first quarter i will collect the portfolios on sunday
2) answer the questions for The Bear scene 8 found below:

Scene 8
1. How Smirnov does describe his love life?
2. What is Smirnov's general opinion of women?
3. What does Smirnov say about faithful women?
4. Who says the following quotation? To who? Why? What does (s) he mean?
"That's rich."
5. What does Simonov think of Mrs. Popov's faithfulness?
6. Who said the following quotation? To who? What did he mean by it?
"Buries herself alive____ but doesn't forget to powder her nose!"

3) please make sure that you have underlined all the difficult vocabulary items in the play from scene 1 till scene 8

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