Friday, December 11, 2009

grade ten english dcember 2009 second quarter first homework

Read the play A Marriage Proposal by Anton Chekhov. It is located in the link below

(Don't worry it's only one page)

Then, answer the following questions:

1) Analyse the elements of literature for the play

2) Explain why this play is considered a farce.

3) Compare between The proposal and The Bear

P.S. pls log in tomorrow for some video links that you will watch as a homework as well

Ta ta for now xoxoxoxo


Anonymous said...

lol u are saying one page i see about 12 in along one , miss please shorter homeworks

cherryziady said...

well i'll do my best your royal highness but pls mr lazybones get off your lazy dumb u know what and do some serious readin u r takin SAT in a few months God's sake