Friday, December 25, 2009

10 blue and green 25/12/09

Ho! Ho! Ho! Season's greetings everyone. Santa has a gift for you at ras, go get it on sunday or monday from 10 am to 1 pm
it's a cd that has pps for all subjects with explanations of lessons and worksheets. you will be held responsible for the material in this cd, so you MUST come and get it
as for my homework, for now you need to work on your portfolios according to the rules i have put. Make sure i get good looking well taken care of groomed and perfumed portfolios when we get back. (in addition to the homework from last week that i havent received from everybody yet)
i will also post some internet links with questions tomorrow morning.
PS. the winners of the first quarter, you will find your prizes with the homework cd at school
i will be at ras on sunday from 10 till 11 and on monday from 10 to 1, try to come during that time cuz i miss u all, if u come at a different time and u want to give me some homework, leave it with mr moheb
ta ta for now, have loads of fun
tc xoxoxoxox0

Saturday, December 19, 2009

writing techniques

Book Review


* Title * Author * Genre * Theme


Summary of the plot and commentary on the characters


Your opinion



* Name * Date of birth and death * Job * Why is this person famous?


The main events in this person's life and his/ her achievements


What do you think of this person?

Movie Review


* Title * Genre * Producer and Director * Hint about whether you like the movie or not


Cast list and summary of the plot


Your opinion

Friday, December 18, 2009

heidi yasmina hazem

hijri and 2010

esseily khedr kaka abu heif bolla

esseily and kaka u r doing all of the hw written below
khedr u r doing 1o of them for the extra "2alsh" homework and abu heif & bolla ur doing 5 of them for the same reason as khedr
the homework: on the right hand side of the blog you will find a list of pearls of wisdom; these wisdoms are the titles of your mini essays, which means you are going to write mini esssys of not less than 50 words each using the wisdom as your title

10 green 18/12/2009

1) make sure your portfolios are in order with all the sheets include the revision ones i had given u the first quarter i will collect the portfolios on sunday
2) answer the questions for The Bear scene 8 found below:

Scene 8
1. How Smirnov does describe his love life?
2. What is Smirnov's general opinion of women?
3. What does Smirnov say about faithful women?
4. Who says the following quotation? To who? Why? What does (s) he mean?
"That's rich."
5. What does Simonov think of Mrs. Popov's faithfulness?
6. Who said the following quotation? To who? What did he mean by it?
"Buries herself alive____ but doesn't forget to powder her nose!"

3) please make sure that you have underlined all the difficult vocabulary items in the play from scene 1 till scene 8

grade 10 blue and green 18/12/2009

follow the links below, watch the videos (of Chekhov's farce: The Proposal) and write a pragraph explaining which was the most well made video and why. Make sure to put into your consideration while judging which video sticks most closest to the events of the play you read last week.

(ps if the links dont work u will find them on my facebook links)

december grade 10 blue

Homework until u come back from your two week break

Please make sure that u either send it to me via email or send the homework to my staff room at school (send your driver or come to school yourself)

Also please make sure you check the blog every evening for news

As for the homework :

1) Finish reading The Bear and finish answering the sheet of questions miss sara handed out on wednesday before u left the school (ps nikhil if u dont have one email me and i will attach it to u)

2) Your self study literary selection for this qurter is a short story in your literature books entiltled Marriage is a Private Affair written by Chinua Achebe. You are supposed to:
a) search online for information about the writer's life
b) read the story
c) write a summary of not less than 150 words of the story making sure that you mention all the elements of literature and your opinion of it
(if u dont have your books, come to school and pick them up)

3) in your Language Network books, read all of chapter 10: Capitalization and answer all the exercises in it.

4) Put your portfolios in the order i asked for and make sure u have all the sheets in it answered especially the revision ones i gave at the end of the first quarter
(if u lost any sheets photocopy from a friend)

5) check the video links that i put for 10 green as a hw; of course they r a hw for u too

6) Friendly suggestion: theres a cool 3d jim carrey movie called christmas carol that i want to make the project about can we all go and watch it together as a class pls discuss it with each other and tell me what time would be suitable for u its in green plaza

ciaou for now luvyalots missyalots tc xoxoxoxoxo

Friday, December 11, 2009

grade ten english dcember 2009 second quarter first homework

Read the play A Marriage Proposal by Anton Chekhov. It is located in the link below

(Don't worry it's only one page)

Then, answer the following questions:

1) Analyse the elements of literature for the play

2) Explain why this play is considered a farce.

3) Compare between The proposal and The Bear

P.S. pls log in tomorrow for some video links that you will watch as a homework as well

Ta ta for now xoxoxoxo

Friday, November 20, 2009

Just a freindly reminder

Hey all,

Hope u r having a great weekend preparing for the test

Anyways, i just want to make sure u all know that you will be handing me your portfolios tomorrow.

I also need your project tomorrow on a cd or a hard copy until we meet in class again God only knows when that will b

Thursday, November 19, 2009

revision sheets model answer key GOOD LUCK

Language revision

P.S. The revision sheet is usually slightly more challenging than the test. In addition, conjunctive adverbs and demonstrative and indefinite pronouns are not included in the test.

27 a
6dpilot's: possessive
6a airline: compound
52 d
96 d
100 d
13 linking
15 aux.
17 action
35 action
38 action
56 action
57 linking
59 aux
60 action
101 is linking may aux own linking
103 action
104 linking
105 action
106 have been aux awaiting action
18 a
22 a
79 a

Literature revision

p.s. The poems to be studied for the exam are: Piano, Those Winter Sundays, Sonnet 30 , Simile, Moon Rondeau, Woman, 8 puppies
27 29 cancelled

Friday, November 13, 2009

Lucky Grade 10: No Homework

Out of the kindness and generosity of my heart i decided to let u go off the hook.

Go, have a blast! I hope Egypt wins today.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Grade 10 : Waiting for your comments

This was happening up till the 20th century; just a century ago

Grade 10: Bonus Question: 6/11/09

Hey, everybody! You'll find the pics that were on the windows in a folder on my facebook albums, as well as the videos we did in class in my links.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend while it lasts.

6/11/09: Grade 10 English Literature Homework: From Boccaccio's The Decameron; The One Legged Crane

Giovanni Boccaccio [1313-1375]
The One-Legged Crane

MASTER CURRADO GIANFILIAZZI, as most of you have seen and know, living in the estate of a noble citizen, being a man bountiful, magnificent, and within the degree of knighthood, continually kept both hawks and hounds, taking no mean delight in such pleasures as they yielded, neglecting for them far more serious employments, wherewith our present subject presumeth not to meddle. Upon a day, having killed with his falcon a crane near to a village called Peretola, and finding her to be young and fat, he sent it to his cook, a Venetian born, named Chichibio, with command to have it prepared for his supper. Chichibio, who resembled no other than (as he was indeed) a plain, simple, honest, merry fellow, having dressed the crane as it ought to be, put it on the spit and laid it to the fire.
When it was well near roasted, and gave forth a very delicate pleasing savor, it happened that a young women dwelling not far off, named Brunetta, and of whom Chichibio was somewhat enamored, entered into the kitchen, and feeling the excellent smell of the crane to please her beyond all savors that ever she had felt before, she entreated Chichibio very earnestly that he would bestow a leg thereof upon her. Whereto Chichibio, like a pleasant companion, and evermore delighting in singing, sung her this answer:
“My Brunetta, fair and feat, no, no. Why should you say so? Oh, oh!4 The meat of my master Takes you for no taster. Go from the kitchen — go!”
Many other speeches passed between them in a short while, but, in the end, Chichibio, because he would not have his mistress Brunetta angry with him, cut off one of the crane’s legs from the spit and gave it to her to eat.
Afterward, when the fowl was served up to the table before Currado, who had invited certain strangers his friends to sup with him, wondering not a little, he called for Chichibio his cook, demanding what was become of the crane’s other leg. Whereto the Venetian, being a liar by nature, suddenly answered, “Sir, cranes have no more but one leg each bird.” Currado, growing very angry, replied, “Wilt thou tell me that a crane hath no more than one leg? Did I never see a crane before this?” Chichibio, persisting resolutely in his denial, said, “Believe me, sir, I have told you nothing but the truth; and when you please I will make good my words by such fowls as are living.”
Currado, in kind love to the strangers that he had invited to supper, gave over any further contestation; only he said, “Seeing thou assurest me to let me see thy affirmation for truth by other of the same fowls living — a thing which as yet I never saw or heard of — I am content to make proof thereof to-morrow morning. Till then I shall rest satisfied. But, upon my word, if I find it otherwise, expect such a sound payment as thy knavery justly deserveth, to make thee remember it all thy lifetime.”
The contention ceasing for the night, Currado, who, although he had slept well, remained still discontented in his mind, arose in the morning by break of day, and puffing and 5 blowing angrily, called for his horses, commanding Chichibio to mount on one of them; so riding toward the river, where early every morning he had seen plenty of cranes, he said to his man, “We shall see anon, sirrah, whether thou or I lied yesternight.”
Chichibio, perceiving that his master’s anger was not as yet assuaged, and that now it stood him upon to make good his lie, not knowing how he should do it, rode after his master fearfully trembling all the way. Gladly he would have made an escape, but he could not by any possible means, and on every side he looked about him, now before and after behind, to espy any cranes standing on both their legs, which would have been an ominous sight to him. But being come near to the river he chanced to see, before any of the rest, upon the bank thereof about a dozen cranes in number, each standing upon one leg, as they use to do when they are sleeping. Whereupon, showing them quickly to Currado, he said: “Now, sir, yourself may see whether I told you true yesternight or no. I am sure a crane hath but one thigh and one leg, as all here present are apparent witnesses, and I have been as good as my promise.”
Currado, looking at the cranes, and well understanding the knavery of his man, replied, “Stay but a little while, sirrah, and I will show thee that a crane hath two thighs and two legs.” Then, riding somewhat nearer to them, he cried out aloud, “Shough! shough!” which caused them to set down their other legs; and all fled away, after they had made a few paces against the wind for their mounting. So, going unto Chichibio, he said, “How now, you lying knave! hath a crane two legs or no?” Chichibio, being well near at his wits’ end, not knowing now what answer he should make, but even as it came suddenly in his mind, said, “Sir, I perceive 6 you are in the right; and if you would have done as much yesternight, and have cried, ‘Shough!’ as here you did, questionless, the crane would then have set down the other leg, as these here did. But if, as they, she had fled away, too, by that means you might have lost your supper.”
This sudden and unexpected answer, coming from such a logger-headed lout, and so seasonably for his own safety, was so pleasing to Currado, that he fell into a hearty laughter, and, forgetting all anger, said, “Chichibio, thou hast quitted thyself well and to my contentment, albeit I advise thee to try no more such tricks hereafter.” Thus Chichibio, by his sudden and merry answer, escaped a sound beating, which otherwise his master had inflicted upon him.
— “The Decameron”


1) Who is Boccaccio and what is the Decameron?

2) Analyse the elements of literature for the above story

3) Why was the servant in trouble? Was he able to escape? If yes, then how? If no, then why?

Thursday, November 5, 2009

6/11/09: Grade 10 English Homework Instructions

1) Choose only one of the Petrarchan poems below and summarise its main theme or message

2) Search for a definition of the petrarchan sonnet and information about petrarch

3) Read Boccaccio's story The One Legged Crane from The Decameron and answer the questions below it.
4) P.S. pls check the blog tomorrow again for a pleasant surprise.

6/11/09: Grade 10 lish English Literature Homework: Petrarchan Sonnets

Soleasi Nel Mio Cor

She ruled in beauty o'er this heart of mine,
A noble lady in a humble home,
And now her time for heavenly bliss has come,
'Tis I am mortal proved, and she divine.
The soul that all its blessings must resign,
And love whose light no more on earth finds room,
Might rend the rocks with pity for their doom,
Yet none their sorrows can in words enshrine;
They weep within my heart; and ears are deaf
Save mine alone, and I am crushed with care,
And naught remains to me save mournful breath.
Assuredly but dust and shade we are,
Assuredly desire is blind and brief,
Assuredly its hope but ends in death.

Translated by Thomas Wentworth Higginson.


Qual Donna Attende A Gloriosa Fama

Doth any maiden seek the glorious fame
Of chastity, of strength, of courtesy?
Gaze in the eyes of that sweet enemy
Whom all the world doth as my lady name!
How honour grows, and pure devotion's flame,
How truth is joined with graceful dignity,
There thou may'st learn, and what the path may be
To that high heaven which doth her spirit claim;
There learn soft speech, beyond all poet's skill,
And softer silence, and those holy ways
Unutterable, untold by human heart.
But the infinite beauty that all eyes doth fill,
This none can copy! since its lovely rays
Are given by God's pure grace, and not by art.

Translated by Thomas Wentworth Higginson.


Gli Occhi Di Ch' Io Parlai
Those eyes, 'neath which my passionate rapture rose,
The arms, hands, feet, the beauty that erewhile
Could my own soul from its own self beguile,
And in a separate world of dreams enclose,
The hair's bright tresses, full of golden glows,
And the soft lightning of the angelic smile
That changed this earth to some celestial isle,
Are now but dust, poor dust, that nothing knows.
And yet I live! Myself I grieve and scorn,
Left dark without the light I loved in vain,
Adrift in tempest on a bark forlorn;
Dead is the source of all my amorous strain,
Dry is the channel of my thoughts outworn,
And my sad harp can sound but notes of pain.

Translated by Thomas Wentworth Higginson.
(Texts from Sonnets of Europe.)

Grade 10: Extra Homework for Khedr, Abdulraohman, Abdul Al

The people who have only one extra homework, choose only one topic. As for Khedr, you will do them all, my dear sir.

Write an essay of no less than 150 words on the following:

Technology is a double edged weapon.
Money can't buy happiness.
The National System Vs. the American system of education.
Teenage years are the best years of anyone's life.


Friday, October 30, 2009

Grade 10: Bonus question: for Sunday 1st November

Research the story behind Halloween: when - where - why - how it is celebrated

Pls don't copy and paste fromt the internet - get me the information in a concise nutshell

Grade 10: End of First Quarter Projects: Enjoy

Topic 1:
Compare between the etiquette and traditions of love, courtship and marriage in the Renaissance and modern eras (ages).

Topic 2:
Compare between the etiquette and traditions of love, courtship and marriage in the Western and Eastern cultures.

In each of the above two comparisons, you need to list the customs that are followed starting from the moment they pick a spouse till the
You need to consider the following questions:
Who is considered a good catch, what's the best way to propose

Topic 3:
Compare between the following classic love stories:

Samson & Delilah - Qays & Leila – Penelope & Odessius –
Napoleon & Josephine – Arthur/Lancelot & Guinivere –
Paolo & Francesca - Scarlett O’Hara & Rhett Butler -

You should choose only five from the above and write a concise paragraph about each couple; mentioning whether they are fictional, semi-fictional or non- fictional, what the conflict they were suffering from was and how it ended. You should also mention if there is a love triangle somewhere in the story.

Topic 4:
Compare between different kinds of celebrations of love all over the world: Father's Day – Mother's Day – Earth Day – Valentine's Day –World Friendship Day.
Mention who started the celebration and why , when and how it is celebrated in different parts of the world.

Topic 5
Conduct a survey about only one of the following topics and discuss the findings in a presentation:
Arranged marriages – what are the criteria for a prince charming or a lady of one's dreams – marriage at an early age Vs marriage at an older age.

General Rules:
No copying and pasting from the internet.
All students in the team will participate in the preparation and presentation.
The presentation should not take less than 15 minutes and not more than half an hour.
The more creative your method of presentation is, the higher your grade will be.
Deadline is Sunday 14th November. If you are late, you will lose marks.

P.S. You need to make sure to choose a topic before you come to school tomorrow or else I will assign you a topic myself.

Have a blast. Think well. Choose wisely.

Grade 10: 30th October 2009: Homework

Homework : Grade 10 Blue and Greeen: Write an argumentative essay of not less than 15 lines, discussing your opinion about the following topic: "Arranged marriages is the best way to find a spouse these days."

P.S. Extra Homework for Grade 10 Blue Students Tera and Hazem: articles for the school magazine + the grammar workbook finish pages 1, 4 and 7

Please check the blog again later today for a list of the project topics.

Thank you. Have a fantabulous weekend and a great halloween; go trick or treating and get high on sugar candy.
P.S. that's y the smiley face is nasty evil looking not becasue i'm a monstrous teacher who gives you homework on weekends but becasue my smiley emoticon is wearing a costume.

Friday, October 16, 2009

15.10.09: English: Waiting for comments

15.10.09: Grade 10: English: Contributions by Amr: Excellent choices: Feel free to comment

Waiting For Daddy
© Barbara Bailey
Daddy can you feel me
Do you know I'm near
I wished that I could be with you
To wipe away your tears
I know your hurting daddy
I see it everyday
If only I could help you see
I really am ok
Heaven is so pretty daddy
Me and mommy's there
We're spending time with Jesus
We’ll be waiting for you here
But you have things to do down there
Until your time is done
Oh but when that day comes daddyI
nto your arms I'll run...
Waiting For Daddy by Barbara Bailey Niece Poems
Poem for Dog Lovers

Hello. I've been expecting you for quite some time.
Here, come sit beside us for awhile.
and let me tell you about this old friend of mine.
She might look tattered or maybe old
But I won't say goodbye until you've been told.
She had the brightest eyes I had ever seen,
And wore a beautiful fur coat that would out shine a queen.S
he was never prissy but walked with an aire ......
And oh so polite, you could take her most anywhere.
She could run like the wind and could catch anything she chased
But she protected and sat with me when I had problems to face.
You could not find a friend nearly so dear.
Because no matter the trouble she always stayed near...
She has never asked for much from me;
Just to love and respect her and I think you'll agree.
To give her a good meal plus a nice warm bed is not much to ask;
When she has given me all her love and to her this was no task.
Now I understand you have a schedule to keep.
But I have a small favor before she nods off to sleep.
Please fold your wings around her and let her feel young while in no pain;
Dear Guardian Angel of Pets,please keep her safe and happy until I see her again.
- In Loving Memory of "Maudie," by Ginger Patton

15.10.09: Grade 10: English homework (continued)



15.10.09: Grade 10: English


daddy says the world is
a drum tight and hard
and i told him
i’m gonna beat
out my own rhythm
—Nikki Giovanni

Gr 10 English: 15.10.09: You might find this useful

Nikki Giovanni,
Born: June 7, 1943 (age 66) Knoxville, Tennessee
Occupation: writer, poet, activist
Nationality: American
Writing period: 1960s-present

Nikki Giovanni was born in Knoxville, Tennessee to Yolande Cornelia, Sr. and Jones "Gus" Giovanni. She grew up in Lincoln Heights, a suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio, and in 1960 began her studies at Fisk University in Nashville, Tennessee, her grandfather's alma mater. She graduated in 1967 with honors, receiving a B.A. in history. Afterwards she went on to attend the University of Pennsylvania and Columbia University. In 1969 Giovanni began teaching at Livingston College of Rutgers University.

Gr 10 English: 15.10.09: Homework Instructions

* Read the poem well twice.

* Write a pragraph about each poem separately in which you mention the following:

- What is the main theme of the poem and which type of love does it revolve around
- Do you like the poem? Why/Why not?

-if you notice anything special about the rhyme or figures of speech, mention it

- P.S. Make sure you come to school with a printout of the poems themselves; we'll need them in class
P.S. newcomers if u need any help with the nikki giovanni stuff look in last years posts and u will find more about her. just type her name in the search toolbar in the top right hand corner of my blog's homepage

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Gr 10 English: 15.10.09: HOMEWORK POEMS

The Ad-dressing of Cats
From Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats
by T. S. Eliot

You've read of several kinds of Cat,
And my opinion now is that
You should need no interpreterto understand their character.
You now have learned enough to see
That Cats are much like you and me
And other people whome we find
Possessed of various types of mind.
For some are sane and some are mad
And some are good and some are bad
And some are better, some are worse -
But all may be described in verse.
You've seen them both at work and games,
And learnt about their proper names,
Their habits and their habitat:
ButHow would you ad-dress a Cat?
So first, your memory
I'll jog,And say: A CAT IS NOT A DOG.
Now Dogs pretend they like to fight;
They often bark, more seldom bite;
But yet a Dog is, on the whole,
What you would call a simple soul.
Of course I'm not including Pekes,
And such fantastic canine freaks.
The usual Dog about the Town
Is much inclined to play the clown,
And far from showing too much pride
Is frequently undignified.
He's very easily taken in -
Just chuck him underneath the chin
Or slap his back or shake his paw,
And he will gambol and guffaw.
He's such an easy-going lout,
He'll answer any hail or shout.
Again I must remind you that
A Dog's a Dog - A CAT'S A CAT.
With Cats, some say, one rule is true:
Don't speak till you are spoken to.
Myself, I do not hold with that -
I say, you should ad-dress a Cat.
But always keep in mind that heResents familiarity.
I bow, and taking off my hat,
Ad-dress him in this form: O CAT!
But if he is the Cat next door,
Whom I have often met before
(He comes to see me in my flat)
I greet him with an OOPSA CAT!
I've heard them call him James Buz-James -
But we've not got so far as names.
Before a Cat will condescend
To treat you as a trusted friend,
Some little token of esteem
Is needed, like a dish of cream;
And you might now and then supply
Some caviare, or Strassburg Pie,
Some potted grouse, or salmon paste -
He's sure to have his personal taste.
(I know a Cat, who makes a habit
Of eating nothing else but rabbit,
And when he's finished, licks his paws
So's not to waste the onion sauce.)
A Cat's entitled to expect
These evidences of respect.
And so in time you reach your aim,
And finally call him by his NAME.
So this is this, and that is that:
And there's how you AD-DRESS A CAT.
by Nikki Giovanni

her grandmother called her from the playground
“yes, ma’am”
“i want chu to learn how to make rolls” said the old
woman proudly
but the little girl didn’t want
to learn how because she knew
even if she couldn’t say it that
that would mean when the old one died she would be less
dependent on her spirit so
she said
“i don’t want to know how to make no rolls”
with her lips poked out
and the old woman wiped her hands on
her apron saying “lord
these children”
and neither of them ever
said what they meant
and i guess nobody ever does

A Poem on the Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy
by Nikki Giovanni

Trees are never felled . . . in summer . . . Not when the fruit . . .
is yet to be borne . . . Never before the promise . . . is fulfilled . . .
Not when their cooling shade . . . has yet to comfort . . .
Yet there are those . . . unheeding of nature . . . indifferent to
ecology . . . ignorant of need . . . who . . . with ax and sharpened
saw . . . would . . . in boots . . . step forth damaging . . .
Not the tree . . . for it falls . . . But those who would . . . in
summer’s heat . . . or winter’s cold . . . contemplate . . . the
beauty . . .

by Nikki Giovanni
If i can't do what i want to do
then my job is to not do what i don't want to do
It's not the same thing but it's the best i can do
If i can't have what i want . . .
then my job is to want what i've got
and be satisfied that at least there is something more to want

Since i can't go where i need to go . . .
then i must . . . go where the signs point
though always understanding parallel movement isn't lateral

When i can't express what i really feel
i practice feeling what i can express and none of it is equal
I know but that's why mankind alone among the animals learns to cry

Monday, October 12, 2009

Grade 10: English 2009: Quotes contributed by: Heidi

From the novel : A Walk to Remember: by: Nicholas Sparks

Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous.

Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish.

It does not take offense and is not resentful It does not take pleasure in other people's sins, but delights in the truth.

It is always ready to excuse, to trust, to hope, and to eudure whatever comes.

Grade10: English 2009: Poetry: Contribution by: Mohammad Okasha

Funeral Blues
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead.
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

-- W.H. Auden

Grade 10: English: 2009: Homework Question

Write a well developed paragraph to compare between the types of friendship mentioned in the two extracts.
Make sure you mention the following:
What type of literature is each text.
What type of love is portrayed in each text. How did each relationship develop and how did it end?
According to your opinion were the relationships in the texts healthy? Why/Why not?

Grade 10: English 2009: Reading Material: Theme: It's all about Love

Doris Lessing, the novelist, describes her feelings for the pet cat she had as a little girl in southern Africa.

I was sick that winter. It was uncomfortable because my big room was being re-painted and I was put in the little room at the back of the house. The house, nearly but not quite, on the top of the hill, always seemed as if it might slide off into the corn fields below. This tiny room had a door, always open and windows, always open, in spite of the windy cold of a July whose skies were an unending light clear blue. The sky, full of sunshine; the fields, sunlit, but cold, very cold. The cat, a bluish grey Persian arrived purring on my bed, and settled down to share my sickness, my food, my pillow, my sleep. When I awoke in the mornings, my face turned to the half frozen sheets, the outside of the fur blanket on the bed was also cold, the smell of fresh paint from next door was cold and clean and the wind whistling just outside my door was cold, but in the curve of my arm was a light purring warmth; the cat, my friend.

At the back of the house, a wooden tub was set into the earth, outside the bathroom, for there were no pipes carrying water to taps on that farm, water was fetched by an ox–drawn cart when it was needed, from the well about two miles away. The cat fell into this tub when it was full of hot water. She screamed, was pulled out into a cold wind and washed, for the tub was filthy and held leaves and dust as well as soapy water. Then, she was dried and put into my bed to warm. But she grew burning hot with fever. She had pneumonia. We gave her what medicine we had in the house, but that was before the invention of antibiotics. For a week she lay in my arm purring in a rough trembling little voice that became weaker, then was silent. She licked my hands, opened huge green eyes when I called her name and begged her to live, closed them and died.

That was it. Never again. And for years, I watched cats in friends’ houses, cats in shops, cats on farms, cats on the street, cats on walls and I remembered that gentle blue – grey puring creature which for me was the “Cat “ never to be replaced.


The famous Chef, Raymond Blanc talks to Jason Meyers, the reporter at “Spotlight” about his childhood memories.

I thought my whole world was crashing on top of my head. For the first time ever, I lost somebody I loved; he didn’t die, he just went away.

It was a very nice childhood, a teenage most people would wish to have, we were living in a tiny village and were a close family. Our neighbours has a son, Rene, and my wonderful childhood was shared with him; basically, we grew up together, we spent every day together, went to school together, we did all the things that children can do. It was a childhood spent in the woods, discovering the beautiful seasons. There were plenty of creatures that grew in the wild and we went mushrooming and frog hunting together. The adventures that children go through in the making of a friendship, building a tree house and spending a night in the forest and losing our way back home, these things create a fantastic fabric to the friendship. There was the loving element, too, he was very caring. Rene was a tall bloke and very strong, and he would be my defender: if anyone ever teased me, he would be there.

It was the finest friendship anyone could have, a brilliant pure friendship in which you would give your life for your friend. and life was marvellous, it seemed full of sunshine, full of incredible, beautiful things to discover, and I looked forward very much to growing up with Rene.

And then, at the age of fourteen, his parents moved to the south of France, and we were in the east of France, which is seven hundred and fifty kilometres away…to me, the south of France sounded like the end of the world. Well, our parents realised it would be very traumatic, and they did not know how to break the news, so they just announced it the day before. It was a beautiful summer’s day, around five o’clock in the evening, and both parents came and said, ”We are moving away, and obviously Rene will have to come with us.’

I went quiet for the news to sink in; at first it was total disbelief. I couldn’t sleep, and then in the night, I understood that my life would be completely separate from his, and I had to be by myself, alone. And at that time, my world stopped, it was the most incredible pain I have ever experienced, I couldn’t see life without my fiend, my whole system, my life, was based on Rene, our friendship was my life. And although he was only going away, he did not die, it was the worst loss I have ever had in my life, still now and thirty years later I have not received another shock of an equal degree.

I made other friends, but never did I have that kind of closeness as I had with Rene. Nothing was the same, people, the classroom, nature, the country, even butterflies! Maybe because he was more mature and level headed, he understood that life brings people together and separates them and distance is not necessarily the end of a relationship. He accepted that life would separate us, he didn’t see it as a disaster. It was my tragedy to see only the negative side. I felt too sorry for myself.

He is now living a happy life in Provence with a beautiful wife and two lovely daughters, and he is coming here next year, so it is going to be quite great. It is the first time he has ever come to England.

It is a good solid relationship that has been built over so many years, and has overcome all the barriers which life and time can create.

Friday, March 13, 2009


You need to scroll down to the bottom of the page in order to find the Giovanni poems or you can click on the link entitled: A Collection of Nikki Giovanni Poems on the left hand side of the webpage

Grade 10 BLUE: World History: More Bonus Questions

P.S. The dark brown shaded are on the map represents the Napoleonic Empire 1) How did Napoleon become a rising star in the French army? (from the beginning of his career until he became a general)

2) When did Napoleon choreograph (organize) a "coup d'etat" (a bloodless revolution and overthrow of the government)? Why? How did he achieve it? What were the results?

Grade 10 (Blue & Green) World History: Napoleon Bonaparte: Bonus Questions

A) What do you think the above caricature is trying to say about Napoleon Bonaparte?

B) Bonaparte has been quite a controvercial (different people have various contrasting views of him) figure in history; some call him a genius, others consider him a fool, whereas the rest just see him as a greedy villain (evil character) who got what he deserved. What do you think of him (one of the above three points of view or a different one of your own)?
P.S. Make sure you support your opinion giving reasons and evidence.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Grade 9 Homewo rk for Thursday 12th March

I Will Never Get My Innocence Back
By: Sharon DeMayo

Have you ever thought that within a single afternoon you could lose your sense of security? Have you ever taken into consideration changing completely the way you look at the world around you? That happened to me, and I'm still paying for the consequences of somebody else's action. The feeling of security and serenity, that everyone should have, is often taken away with brutality for the price of a few dollars. Unfortunately, this happens over and over throughout the world, and it is hard for the victims of criminal actions to recover from their deep wounds.

It was just a day like any other, if possible, even better because it was a Saturday, the end of the working week, and one of the first nice and sunny days of Rome's spring. My best friend and I were in the shop that she owns. It was the middle of the afternoon; we were both pretty happy and making plans for the weekend, and the atmosphere was extremely relaxed, almost lazy. Suddenly a man entered in the shop. We knew, somehow, that he didn't look like one of our usual customers, but we welcomed him politely anyway. Without any hesitation he pulled something out of his coat that we did not recognize immediately, but when he ordered us to go into the back with him, there was no doubt that this "something" was a gun. We were so scared that we could barely understand what was going on. My heart was beating so franticly, that I thought everyone could hear it. Suddenly, while watching the entire scene in astonishment, a shiver ran down my spine. I had that kind of feeling like when you are not sure if you're dreaming or not. In the beginning, I thought it was a stupid joke by a similarly stupid friend of ours, but it took me half a second to realize that it was cruel reality. I still shudder at the thought of it. He seemed to me so calm and so used to this kind of action. "Don't you dare say a single word and come with me in the storage" he said. It was almost a whisper, a few simple words uttered nastily. He gave us precise orders and while doing this, he offended us and kept reminding us that he could shoot at any time. He looked for the money in the register, from our wallets, then he asked for our jewelry and we gave him all he wanted. He was imperturbable while bringing his "job" to conclusion. At that point, he was supposed to leave, instead, he seemed not to have any intention to do so. Suddenly I remember his face becoming soaked in sweat. My friend and I had no chance to talk to each other and exchange our thoughts, but I'm sure we had the same horrible feeling. Fortunately, after a few interminable minutes he left.

You can never know where you can feel safe; growing up you learn that gradually. When you are a child, you feel safe with your parents in your home or wherever you are not alone. Then you begin to understand the news and you learn that horrible things are happening "out there", but you still keep thinking that those events are just other people's worries, not yours. Terrible things happen only to the people you read about in the newspaper, but you will soon start to explore the world on your own and little, insignificant, nasty things begin to happen to you too. You see a car accident, you look at ambulances, someone is mean to you and, somehow, you know that this is as the world goes. Then your conscience starts to make you realize that you are a person like any other. So why couldn't bad things happen to you? You are afraid that something could happen and, depending on your optimistic or pessimistic mood, you can deal or not with this thought.

I think that from the precise moment the guy walked out of the shop, I completely changed my way of relating to the world. Someone could say that I am exaggerating, and maybe they are right, but this is how I feel. I always look around to see which kinds of people are possibly following me. Now I usually double-check everything: if I've locked myself in the car or in the house. I think about how to dress if I have to go out alone or in a particular part of the town; I am always careful not to wear any jewelry. Whenever an unknown guy is getting too close or is trying to get information from me, I tighten up. I know that it is wrong, that not everyone is looking to attack me again. After all, I consider myself lucky, since nothing really bad happened to me or to my friend, but what affects me is the thought of what could have happened. We could have died or he could have beaten or raped us! I know that I have to work on it because since that day I haven't felt safe anymore, What I don't know is where to start. Now I am sure only of one fact, that I blame this guy, not for having taken my jewelry, but for having deprived me of my innocence.
1- Which of these do you know from the title?
The writer met a man with a gun.
The author was a visitor in Rome.
It was a hot summer day in Rome.
The author gets hurt in this story.
A man in a shop made a big difference in the life of the author.
2- What is this story about?
A day of shopping in Rome
A joke that a stupid friend played on the writer.
A car accident and other bad things that happen to people.
Being sure one locks the door to the car and house.
A robbery and its effect on the writer’s life.
3- Which of these is true?
The man in the shop was one of the usual customers.
The writer was in the shop alone.
Everyone knew immediately that the robber had a gun.
The author and her friends discussed the situation.
The thief took money and jewellery.

4- Which paragraph describes when the writer first realized that bad things don't just happen to *other* people?
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
5- Why does the author consider herself lucky?
She did not lose all her money.
She has never been robbed again.
She was only injured slightly.
She was able to fight off her attacker.
She could have been hurt or killed, but she wasn't.
6- What was the most serious result of the robbery?
The author doesn't trust others or feel safe.
The author was found guilty of a crime.
The store that her friend owned was closed after the robbery.
The author was beaten up.
The robber was taken to jail.
7- Which is true about the author?
She is pleased with her loss of innocence and trust.
She blames the robber for taking her innocence away.
It is years later, and she feels safe again now.
She no longer locks her car or house door.
She has not been able to travel out of the country after the robbery.

* Put the following events in the correct order as they took place in the story:

The robber ordered the women into the storage.
He asked the women for their money and jewellery.
He pulled out a gun.
The robber left the store.
He threatened he could pull the trigger any minute

* Fill in the gaps with suitable words from the list below:

action around brutality completely everyone of security single still Unfortunately world wounds

Have you ever thought that within a ………… afternoon you could lose your sense of ………………? Have you ever taken into consideration changing …………… the way you look at the world …………you? That happened to me, and I'm paying for the consequences of somebody else's ………… . The feeling of security and serenity, that ………… should have, is often taken away with …………… for the price of a few dollars. , this happens over and over throughout the …………… , and it is hard for the victims …… criminal actions to recover from their deep ………… .

Choose the correct pairs of adjectives from the box to describe the writer’s feelings at the various stages of the story:

Carefree and expectant
Panicky and breathless
Insecure, unable to trust, and without the innocence she had before
Relieved but shaky
A little wary but polite

1) This is how the writer felt at the beginning of the day.

2) This is how the writer acted when she first met the customer.

3) This is how the writer felt when she realized the man had a gun.

4) Immediately after the robber left, the writer probably felt like this.

5) Years after the event, the writer still feels this way.

The Audition Poem for the Drama Club

You can’t be that
By: Brian Patten

I told them:
When I grow up
I’m not going to b a scientist
Or someone who reads the news on TV.
No, a million birds will fly through me.
I’m going to be a tree!

They said, you can’t be that. No, you can’t be that.

I told them:
When I grow up
I’m not going to be an airline pilot,
A dancer, a lawyer, or an MC.
No, huge whales will swim in me.

They said, you can’t be that. No, you can’t be that.

I told them:
I’m not going to be a DJ,
A computer programmer, a musician, or a beautician.
No, streams will flow through me, I’ll be the home of eagles,
I’ll be full of nooks, crannies, valleys and fountains,

They said, you can’t be that. No, you can’t be that.

I asked them:
Just what do you think I am?
Just a child, they said,
And children always become
At least one of the things
We want them to be.

They do not understand me.
I’ll be a stable if I want, smelling of fresh hay,
I’ll be a lost glade in which unicorns still play.
They do not realize I can fulfill any ambition.
They do not realize among them
Walks a magician.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Grade 9: Literature: A collection of Nikki Giovanni poems

I Wrote a Good Omelet

I wrote a good omelet . . . and ate a hot poem . . .
after loving you
Buttoned my car . . . and drove my coat home . . . in the
rain . . .
after loving you
I goed on red . . . and stopped on green . . . floating
somewhere in between . . .
being here and being there . . .
after loving you
I rolled my bed . . . turned down my hair . . . slightly
confused but . . . I don't care . . .
Laid out my teeth . . . and gargled my gown . . . then I stood
. . . and laid me down . . .
to sleep . . .
after loving you
A Happy Reason
a good book (not necessarily a mystery) . . .

some popcorn with real butter . . .

a fire in the wood stove . . .

quilts on the couch . . .

thermal blankets on the bed . . .

a feather duster waiting to be used . . .

coffee pot with a timer . . .

the 49ers winning if we get lucky . . .

comic pages in color . . .

intelligent editorials . . .

snow or rainor any inclement weather . . .

or heavy doses of sun . . .

a reason to move or not move . . .

a reason to go or not go no reason to beanything . . .

except happy . . .with . . .you


I Do Have My Likes and Dislikes

I like cashmere scarves and cashmere sweaters and cotton blouses
with button down collars
I like mink muffs when my hands are cold and leather gloves up to
my elbow
I like manicures but I don't like nail polish
I like facials but not to squeeze the black heads out
I like caviar and pecan fried chicken and double decker sandwiches
white bread extra mayo
I really like anchovies on my pizza and quilts on my bed and
eucalyptus soap when I take a long bath
I prefer vacations in St.Vincent or Barbados or Jamaica but I'll take
any good beach I can find
I like ESPN Sports Roundup and homemade vanilla ice cream in a
big mug with chocolate chip cookies
I like bird houses and bird feeders and my coffee in the morning on
the deck where I hear birds singing
And mostly I like the peace of the breezes singing through the trees and
. . .oh by the way . . . I really like you



Apples fall peaches harvested
One kind of pear is prickled
Blackberries turn your finger blue
Some cucumbers get pickled
Biscuits bake or they are fried
Grits are cooked real slow
Green tomatoes in bacon fat
then it's time to go
From Grandmothers country home
Back up to the city
I'd rather stay in the barefoot Southwhere everything is pretty


How Do You Write a Poem?

how do you write a poem
about someone so close
to you that when you say ahhhh
they say chuuu
what can they ask you to put
on paper that isn't already written
on your face
and does the paper make it
any more real
that without them
life would be not
impossible but certainly
more difficult
and why should someone need
a poem to say when i come
home if you're not there
i search the air
for your scent
would i search any less
if i told the world
i don't care at all
and love is so complete
that touch or not we blend
to each other the things
that matter aren't all about
baaaanging (i can be baaaanged all
day long) but finding a spot
where i can be free
of all the physical
and emotional bullshit
and simply sit with a cup
of coffee and say to you
"i'm tired" don't you know
those are my love words
and say to you "how was your
day" doesn't that show
i care or say to you "we lost
a friend" and not want to share
that loss with strangers
don't you already know
what i feel and if
you don't maybe
i should check my feelings


I Take Master Card

(Charge Your Love to Me)

I've heard all the stories 'bout how you don't deserve me

'cause I'm so strong and beautiful and wonderful

and you could never live up to what you know

I should have but I just want to let you know:

I take Master Card

You can love me as much as your heart can stand

then put the rest on account

and pay the interest each month

until we get this settled

You see we modern women do comprehend

that we deserve a whole lot more

than what is normally being offered but we are trying

to get aligned with the modern world

So baby, you can love me all you like

'cause you're pre-approved

and you don't have to sign onthe bottom line

Charge it up'til we just can't take no more

it's the modern way

I take Master Card to see your Visa

and I deal with a Discovery

but I don't want any American Express

'cause like the Pointer Sisters say: I need a slow hand


A Greater Love of God and Country
Concerning the Burning of Old and Alone Though Not Lonely
Black Churches

There is no reason to ask
"WHY" since to ask "WHY" is to enter some dark and crazy spot
where one presumes there is REASON and A REASON that will
make sense which is not to say there is a craziness: I don't belive
this is crazy but rather mean . . . hateful . . . ugly -- though not
ignorant because there is knowledge here and there is a purpose here
but there is NO

People who will burn a cross will burn a church

The buildings may be rebuilt but the creak
of a stair . . . the smell of polish in the pews
the old kitchen where Sunday dinners were reheated
the icebox where the iced tea was kept . . . the too narrow
steps leading to the damp and dusky basement . . . the leaky
window that could not always keep the cold at bay . . . the knowing
that this building was built by these hands to worship this God who
has Deliverd us . . . . . . . . . No. . . that cannot be rebuilt

The people who have burned crosses will burn a church

Something will be lost and the world just a bit sadder
for the loss ot the building . . . . But the people who sift through
ashes know that fire is a friend and that fire can be a foe
But the people who use fire are lowdown . . .
And the people who know that some people are lowdown will watch
the fires . . . will forgive the trespasses. . .and will go right on
thanking their God for His powerful . . . magnificentDeliverance


You Were Gone

You were gone
like a fly lighting
on that wall
with a spider in the corner
You were gone
like last week's paycheck
for this week's bills
You were gone
like the years between
twenty-five and thirty
as if somehow
You never existed
and if it wouldn't be
for the gray hairs
I'd never know that
You had come.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Well Done!

Finally, I feel that my smart grade niners have grasped what a descriptive essay is all about. Yasmina has created one of the most well written descriptive compositions about the famous Alexandrian beggar, Rose. I am sure you will remember seeing her before once you read Yasmina's description. You will find Yasmina's writing assignment posted as a comment on the entry entitled Hallelujah Part II: The Writing.
Thank you, Yasmina. I can't wait to see the rest of the class' assignments.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Hallelujah Part II: The writing

Choose one of the following topics to write an essay of not less than 200 words on .

P.S. * If you write on both topics, you get bonus grades.
* If you write on one topic, your deadline is on Thursday. If you are writing on both topics: one of them is due on Thursday and the other on Sunday.

1st topic: Narrative essay: The worst accident I have ever had.
2nd topic: Descriptive essay: The most extra ordinary looking beggar/lunatic (crazy weirdo).

The Long Awaited Grade 9 Homework. Hallelujah! Read the text and answer the questions

Urban Legends

1- The Death Car
It was a cold night in September. The rain was drumming on the car roof as George and Marie Winston drove through the empty country roads towards the house of their friends, the Harrisons, where they were going to attend a party to celebrate the engagement of the Harrisons' daughter, Lisa. As they drove, they listened to the local radio station, which was playing classical music.
They were about five miles from their destination when the music on the radio was interrupted by a news announcement:
"The Cheshire police have issued a serious warning after a man escaped from Colford Mental Hospital earlier this evening. The man, John Downey, is a murderer who killed six people before he was captured two years ago. He is described as large, very strong and extremely dangerous. People in the Cheshire area are warned to keep their doors and windows locked, and to call the police immediately if they see anyone acting strangely."
Marie shivered. "A crazy killer. And he's out there somewhere. That's scary."
"Don't worry about it," said her husband. "We're nearly there now. Anyway, we have more important things to worry about. This car is losing power for some reason -- it must be that old problem with the carburetor. If it gets any worse, we'll have to stay at the Harrisons' tonight and get it fixed before we travel back tomorrow."
As he spoke, the car began to slow down. George pressed the accelerator, but the engine only coughed. Finally they rolled to a halt, as the engine died completely. Just as they stopped, George pulled the car off the road, and it came to rest under a large tree.
"Blast!" said George angrily. "Now we'll have to walk in the rain."
"But that'll take us an hour at least," said Marie. "And I have my high-heeled shoes and my nice clothes on. They'll be ruined!"
"Well, you'll have to wait while I run to the nearest house and call the Harrisons. Someone can come out and pick us up," said George.
"But George! Have you forgotten what the radio said? There's a homicidal maniac out there! You can't leave me alone here!"
"You'll have to hide in the back of the car. Lock all the doors and lie on the floor in the back, under this blanket. No-one will see you. When I come back, I'll knock three times on the door. Then you can get up and open it. Don't open it unless you hear three knocks." George opened the door and slipped out into the rain. He quickly disappeared into the blackness.
Marie quickly locked the doors and settled down under the blanket in the back for a long wait. She was frightened and worried, but she was a strong-minded woman. She had not been waiting long, however, when she heard a strange scratching noise. It seemed to be coming from the roof of the car.
Marie was terrified. She listened, holding her breath. Then she heard three slow knocks, one after the other, also on the roof of the car. Was it her husband? Should she open the door? Then she heard another knock, and another. This was not her husband. It was somebody -- or something -- else. She was shaking with fear, but she forced herself to lie still. The knocking continued -- bump, bump, bump, bump.
Many hours later, as the sun rose, she was still lying there. She had not slept for a moment. The knocking had never stopped, all night long. She did not know what to do. Where was George? Why had he not come for her?
Suddenly, she heard the sound of three or four vehicles, racing quickly down the road. All of them pulled up around her, their tires screeching on the road. At last! Someone had come! Marie sat up quickly and looked out of the window.
The three vehicles were all police cars, and two still had their lights flashing. Several policemen leapt out. One of them rushed towards the car as Marie opened the door. He took her by the hand.
"Get out of the car and walk with me to the police vehicle. miss. You're safe now. Look straight ahead. Keep looking at the police car. Don't look back. Just don't look back."
Something in the way he spoke filled Marie with cold horror. She could not help herself. About ten yards from the police car, she stopped, turned and looked back at the empty vehicle.
George was hanging from the tree above the car, a rope tied around his neck. As the wind blew his body back and forth, his feet were bumping gently on the roof of the car -- bump, bump, bump, bump.

1- Where were the Winstons going when this incident happened? Why?
2- What was the warning announcement on the radio about?
3- What was wrong with the car?
4- What are the two suggestions that Mr. Winston made to solve the problem? Why didn’t Mrs. Winston like either of them?
5- How did Mr. Winston finally convince her of the second solution?
6- Why hadn’t Marie slept all night? Where was she? Why was she lying there?
7- Why didn’t the policeman want Mrs. Winston to look back?
8- What was the bumping sound referred to at the end of the story?
9- What exactly had happened to George?
10- Find an expression in the text that means “to and fro”.

Multiple-Choice Questions
Tick the correct answer:

1. Why did he pull the car off the road?
a) to have a rest
b) to go for a walk
c) to walk to the nearest house
d) it broke down
2. Why did Marie stay in the car when George left?
a) She was afraid to go out in the dark.
b) So no-one would steal the car.
c) Her clothes weren't suitable for the rain.
d) She wanted to get some sleep.
3. Where did George set off to walk to?
a) the Mental Hospital
b) the nearest house
c) the Harrisons' house
d) the police station
4. Marie says, "There's a homicidal maniac out there!"
What does "homicidal maniac" mean?
a) terrible storm
b) busy road
c) crazy killer
d) policeman
5. In "Several policemen leapt out," "leapt" means
a) threw
b) jumped
c) shouted
d) drove

* Make these two sentences into one using conjunctions from the list below

[because – since – consequently - although – however – as a result – eventhough - so that – as]

1- The Harrisons were having a party. Their daughter was getting engaged.

2. The police issued a warning on the radio. A dangerous man had escaped from hospital.

3. Marie was worried about the killer. Her husband was only worried about the car.

4. George went to find help. The car broke down.

5. Marie could not walk in the rain. Her clothes were not suitable.

6. No-one could see her. Marie hid under a blanket.

7. Marie heard a strange sound on the roof. She became very frightened.

8. The knocking continued all night. Marie could not sleep.

9. Several policemen leapt out. One of them rushed towards the car.

10. The policeman told Marie not to look back. She could not help it.

*At what point in the story did Marie feel?
a- worried
b- relieved
c- horrified

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Grade 10 Green

Good Luck to all!
P.S. Seif Megahed, Bassem, Nashwa, Sherif and Malak only had one to go at the end of the lesson:Way to go!

Grade 10 Green: Clues for crossword puzzle

French prison and revolutionary symbol
Country not conquered by Napoleon (2 wrds)
Meeting place of European congress
Site of Napoleon's major naval defeat
Ruler during Reign of Terror
Political and social system before French Revolution (2 wrds)
Left-wing of the Legislative Assembly
France's enemy in Peninsular War
Large social classes
Least powerful social class before the Revolution (2 wrds)
Machine for beheading criminals
A time when thousands of citizens were executed (3 wrds)
A forcible closing of ports
Site of Napoleon's final

so far no comment

i'm not going to reveal any information about this creature yet...waiting for your character sketches... then you are in for a surprise!